WP 5


Lead beneficiary UT

Objectives: to disseminate project results to the different audiences impacted by the project. To ensure the internal and external communication around the project. To train end users of the new molecular imaging method in prepolarization MRI

  1. Description of work
  2. Task 5.1: develop the project communication tools: create a project website. This will be outsourced to a specialized company. The website will be fed with relevant information by the consortium partners; develop a collaborative workspace for the consortium members and scientific advisory board experts.
  3. Task 5.2: gather and collect all documentation useful for the valorisation report and the pre-industrialization of the strategy and to patent the new instrumentation and contrast switch agent.
  4. Task 5.3: develop an end user program (theoretical MOOC, filmed practical work, practical session on the new instrumentation)
  5. Task 5.4: disseminate the results in the different impacted communities: in the scientific community. The new strategy will be presented at international and European meetings (ISMRS, ESMRM, etc.). Several papers will be drafted for publication in the generalist and NMR journals internationally; disseminate in the industrial community (presentation at radiological and nuclear medicine events); disseminate the key results among policy makers and the general public. phenomenon on big volume, the absence of warming (Specific absorption rate). It will be possible to evaluate the final image spatial resolution. (all partners)
Instrumentation building and intégration
Design and testing of enzme responsive a/o vectorized contest agents
Demonstrator validation
Dissemination Communication Training