
The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) is a research organization under the responsibility of the French Ministry for Research. With 34,000 people and 1,140 research units spread throughout the country, CNRS carries out research in all scientific fields and conducts interdisciplinary programs, one major objective being to promote interdisciplinarity to improve knowledge, ensure economic and technological development and respond to complex societal needs.
hosts 45 researchers and PhD students, and is structured in a single team. The NMR Methodology group has 7 members.

Pr. Jean-Michel Franconi

Jean-Michel Franconi is the coordinator of the PrimoGaia project and he also brings his expertise on instrumental and methodological development.

Jean-Michel Franconi obtained his PhD degree in 1988. He was Application scientist for SIEMENS SA for 10 years (1988-1998). He participated in the development of clinical MRI (start-up and monitoring of more than 60 MRI devices in public universitary hospitals).

In 1998 he became Professor at the Bordeaux University and joined the Centre de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques (UMR 5536 CNRS / Bordeaux University). He was laboratory director from 2002 to 2015. He was also a member of the National Research Committee and of the scientific council of the National Institute of Biological Sciences of the CNRS. He is involved in the development of new concepts, and methods in NMR/MRI. He authored more than a hundred peer reviewed papers. He initiated the thematic school in MRI which has trained more than 400 people (radiologist doctors, technicians, researchers, etc).


Philippe Massot

Philippe Massot will assist Pr. Franconi in the coordination of all instrumental developments in the project.

Philippe Massot graduated with a Master degree in Computer assisted electronics from University of Nantes, in 1985 and a Master degree from University of Angers on Bio-Imaging Techniques (MRI) in 2000. He was working within Siemens SAS, for 18 years, as MRI Engineer, doing service and customer training, has also an experience in CT. He joined the CNRS institution in 2005, in the “Centre de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques” UMR5536 (CNRS-University of Bordeaux). He is fully involved in low field MRI developments, within the methodology team. He gets the CNRS award “Medal of Crystal” in 2014 for his work in low field (0.2T) Dynamical Nuclear Polarization thematic. He initiated the first Earth Field DNP experiment in the laboratory and develop it with Pr Jean-Michel Franconi and the DNP group.

Dr. Sylvain Miraux

Role in the project: Project coordinator

Sylvain Miraux obtained a PhD in 2004 at the University of Bordeaux in the field of preclinical MRI sequence development. After a post-doctorate position at the University of Mons in Belgium, he joined the CNRS in 2005 and the Centre de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes Biologiques. He has developed time-resolved 3D methods for cardiac and vascular MRI in small animals and for molecular imaging. He is the author of more than 60 publications in the field of MRI. Since 2016, he is the director of the CRMSB laboratory and of the Biomedical Imaging Platform of the University of Bordeaux. He has been involved for 6 years in the national evaluation committees of the CNRS and is regularly solicited for expert appraisals of French or European projects and for laboratories.
He has coordinated several national projects and has participated in many national and European projects. He also participated and followed the whole set-up of the PrimoGAIA project with Jean-Michel Franconi and Philippe Massot.

Claudia Antoniotti

Claudia Antoniotti is the project manager of PrimoGaia, she is assisting Jean-Michel Franconi in the administrative coordination of the project and project communication.

Claudia Antoniotti has a long experience in administration and management support in a multinational environment. She has also acquired a strong knowledge of the European funds and of the project cycle management: planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling a project effectively throughout its phases.

Dahmane Boudries

Dahmane BOUDRIES is a PhD student working on the instrumental and methodological developments in the project.

Dahmane BOUDRIES has a master degree in nanosciences and another one in Biomedical imaging from the university of Paris sud. A physicist by training, he contributed during his internships on several projects in various fields of physics such as numerical modeling, nanotechnologies, RF coil and MRI.
Currently doing a PhD within the PrimoGAIA project, it involves the development of the dynamic prepolarization unit and the methodological development for DNP applications for in vivo imaging.

Seda Seren

Seda Seren is involved in the Work Package 3, she will use the new contrast agents to measure proteolytic activity in vivo at low magnetic field.

Seda Seren graduated in cell biology and pathophysiology at Clermont Auvergne University (Bachelor’s degree in 2014) and University of Angers (Master’s degree in 2016). She carried out a PhD thesis in biochemistry at the Research Center for Respiratory Diseases (INSERM U1100) based in Tours in 2019. Her PhD thesis aimed to the pharmacological targeting of cathepsin C as a novel therapeutic approach for granulomatosis with polyangiitis, a rare disease. During 2020, she reoriented her research on Covid-19 and she compared proteinase release from activated neutrophils in mechanically ventilated patients with non-Covid-19 and Covid-19 pneumonia. The knowledges in enzymology and pulmonary pathophysiology and the hands-on experiences allowed Seda Seren to join Primogaïa project.